Spring Honors Lunch Network

Kaitlyn Hawker
Honors Blog Editor-in-Chief
As the Spring semester starts, so do Honors Lunch Networks. The first lunch of the semester took place February 11th in the Arend 1st floor common room with the traditional Costco pizza and cookies. Hosted by Dr. Aaron Hitefield and Dr. Mary Miller in the absence of our faithful Honors Director, the group discussed strategies to find internships and faculty research assistantships.
Internships and Faculty research look amazing on your resume and give you an idea of what you might be interested in doing in the future. Something that came up in the discussion was the idea that it is so much easier to pivot and change paths as a student than as a full-time employee in the workforce. It’s better to know what you do and don’t want to do now, rather than later.
When asking Faculty for internships, Dr. Hitefield and Dr. Miller introduced two different approaches to get you started.
- Sign up or drop into faculty office hours and ask what they’re working on or researching currently.
- Check faculty CV’s and read up on what they’re working on before formally asking. This will help you get a better idea of who to ask and what to expect once you get the job.
Before doing either of the above options, be sure to build a good relationship with your professor or preferred faculty member. You can start as small as raising your hand in class or engaging your lecturer before/after/outside of class. It’s not the best idea to start with the “hire-me” pitch when you don’t know what you’re walking into, or you don’t have an established relationship with the professor.
For more help finding internships and faculty research positions, go to the Career Center and explore what other resources they have to offer.
Honors Lunches take place in the 1st floor Arend common room, please drop by and see what other fun things we get to discuss this semester!
- Tuesday, February 25
- Tuesday, March 11
- Tuesday, April 1
- Tuesday, April 15
- Tuesday, April 29