Class of 2024. Majoring in Computer Science on Business Track with minors in Sociology and G.W. Honors. Hosanna leader and member of Forest Treble Choir.

Rehumanizing Incarceration
In today’s world, cancel culture has become a norm. The moment someone makes a mistake, we label that as the worst possible outcome. Now, for some, this is just a minuscule fraction of their ego, but in other cases, it ruins reputations and lives. This culture especially impacts individuals who face incarceration, leading to the dehumanization of individuals. Regardless of whether their crime was intentional or a mistake, I believe that all people are deserving of basic respect and dignity. This blog has one main goal: Rehumanizing Incarceration.
For more go to: https://iracharla24.github.io/RehumanizingIncarceration.github.io/