Community Building Week: Whitworth Students Dive into Service

The Whitworth Computer Science Department kicked off its first annual Community Building Week on September 20th. Students gathered in the chapel for an introduction to the project, with their excitement on a week of service and collaboration. With the theme “education,” students brainstormed innovative projects targeting K-12 students that would make a positive impact on their community. While faculty members were available to offer guidance and support throughout the week, the emphasis was on student empowerment. By working together and relying on their own ingenuity, students not only developed valuable programming skills but also strengthened their teamwork and problem-solving abilities.  


As the week drew to a close, the Whitworth Computer Science Department gathered once again in the chapel on Friday for a celebratory wrap-up. Students eagerly showcased their completed projects, from innovative educational apps to inspiring community outreach initiatives, demonstrating their creativity and dedication.  


Jordawn House, one of the Computer Science Honors students, expressed his gratitude towards this Community Building Week, “The inaugural CS Community Building Week was an invaluable experience for first-year students exploring CS, and even those outside the major taking the likes of CS1 for a requirement. It was an introduction to the dynamic and rewarding field of computer science and even applicable to any field involving collaboration. Community Building Week had been a resounding success, leaving a lasting impression on the Whitworth community and inspiring students to continue making a difference.”  


While all the finished product from community building week had been shared to Hewitt learning, a non-profit corporation with a mission to equip families to educate their own children, they are also available for public access at . 

By Victoria Woo
