Physics & Engineering Opportunities


Independent research projects (1-3 upper division credits) are available when students connect with specific faculty members. Each of the research projects could entail an honors component if the student wishes. Potential research directions would need to be connected to either faculty expertise or specific research aims:

  • Dr. Kamesh Sankaran performs aerospace research using computational methods for potential NASA missions.
  • Dr. Richard Stevens has recently focused on developing robotics for stroke rehabilitation.
  • Dr. John Larkin has led student teams to perform research in near space as a means for educational outreach and the precursor to the CubeSat student-led club.
  • Dr. Markus Ong has regionally led the National Science Bowl and is an expert in materials engineering.
  • Dr. Philip Measor founded the Microdevices Lab ( that currently focuses on developing devices with functional elements that are as small as a blood cell.
  • Dr. David Schipf is an expert in mechanical engineering and additive manufacturing.

Honors Courses

EN-454H CubSat Leadership. A practicum course for student leaders involved in a multi-year effort to design, build, test, launch, and monitor a small satellite.


EN-487H Engineering Design Project II. This is the second course in a two-course capstone design sequence. In this sequence students apply engineering procedures and practices to a comprehensive design project. Throughout both courses the students work in teams to create typical industry project documentation such as written reports, CAD models and drawings, engineering performance estimates, schedules and status reports, and oral presentations. Emphasis in the second course is on project completion. Typical work includes completion of design detailing, performance analyses, prototype construction, verification testing, and final reporting.

Other Opportunities

We have a student-led Engineering & Physics club, WhitSat, which endeavors to launch a small satellite (CubeSat) to space as a part of a NASA mission. This is a good opportunity to gain valuable research and engineering experience.


Students have also founded an Astronomy Club at Whitworth that focuses on forming small communities interested in science and space by studying astronomy through telescopes.

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