Class of 2024. Aaron Bratt is a double major in music composition and English writing. Aaron cares deeply about storytelling and, although ecology isn’t his area of study, Aaron hopes to help change the stories we tell ourselves about climate change through this project and to start honest conversations about sustainability. After graduation, Aaron will be living in Spokane, gaining experience in the music industry while he considers going to grad school.

From the Grounds up
Let’s not kid ourselves: recycling isn’t working. Less than 10% of plastics ever produced have been successfully recycled. The rest end up in landfills, rivers, and oceans, leaching microplastics into our soil, our water supplies, and surrounding ecosystems. It’s time to ask honestly: how hard is this stuff, really? Test subject No. 1… local coffee shops.
Check out Aaron’s guest column in The Whitworthian by clicking the image below: